Cottage 12

Cottage 12

is a downstairs (ground floor) apartment / cottage. Cottage 12 is a two bedroom with a sun porch that can act as a third bedroom. Features a living room / kitchen area, “New Stall Shower” / private bathroom.

There is a double bed in each of the two bedrooms. You have to walk into the master bedroom to get to the second bedroom or to get to the bathroom. There is a double bed in the living room / kitchen area and two single beds on the sun porch with a leather sofa (which acts as a living room area as well.)
Rental Rate is based on 6 people maximum.

2023 Cottage Availabilities to Date

2023 Cottage Rates

Property Map

Reservation Payment Form – Checks / Money Orders

Reservation Payment Form – Credit Cards



Arial View of Cottages 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 (Click to Enlarge)


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