Chautauqua County and Area Attractions…

WCA Hospital – 207 Foote AVE, Jamestown, NY 14701 – – Phone: (716) 487-0141
Westfield Memorial Hospital – 189 East Main Street Westfield, NY 14787l – Phone: (716) 326-4921

Midway State Park is a Wonderful Kiddies Amusement Park and is Americana at its Best. We here at We Wan Chu Cottages Highly Recommend this Attraction for Families with young children…
Chautauqua Institution… World Famous Religious and Cultural Community located one mile from We Wan Chu Cottages…
Chautauqua Golf Club… World Famous 36 Hole Public Golf Course one mile away = 716-357-6211
Gerry Rodeo… July 31st – August 3rd, 2019. Oldest Consecutively Running Rodeo East of the Mississippi…
Panama Rocks is a Glacier Rock Hiking Park and is a Quality and Awesome Attraction.
Bemus Bay Pops – Summer long Concerts on a Floating Stage…
Boat Rentals… Fishing, Cruising and Pontoon Boat Rentals…
Hoguns’ Hut... Fishing & Hunting Licenses, Bait, Tackle, Gas, Beverages, Ice Cream, Mmmm…
Merritt Estate Winery… “A Day without Wine is like a Day without Sunshine…”
“Thomas Jefferson…”
Chautauqua Point Golf Course… Nine Holes right on Chautauqua Lake, about 10 miles away…
Stateline Speedway… An Awesome Dirt Race Track about 17 miles away…
Lake Erie Speedway is a NASCAR Sanctioned Race Track 24 Miles from We Wan Chu Cottages…
The Summer Wind is a Very Nice Cruising / Dinner Boat on Chautauqua Lake…
Robert H. Jackson Center: US Supreme Court Justice and Chief Prosecutor at the Nuremberg Trials…
Lucy-Desi Museum “A Tribute to Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz”
Roger Tory Peterson Institute… “View the Collection of the Century’s Greatest Naturalist”
The Chautauqua Belle… A Steamboat Paddle Wheel Ride & Adventure
Busti Apple Festival… An Awesome Fall Event held about 25 minutes from here…
Lily Dale Assembly… “the World’s Largest Spiritualist Community” = Phone: 716-595-8721
Aero Soaring Club… Glider Rides, Airplane Rides, Weekend Restaurant, Mayville, NY = 716-753-2160 Chautauqua County Visitor’s Bureau for All other Area Attractions and the Best Current Calendar of Events for Chautauqua County…
